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The reviews for "Rapunzel in the Wild West" are in!!!!

Kurt Perry

"...when kids are literally standing on their seats to get a better view, you know your children’s show is a success. I liked ‘Rapunzel in the Wild West,’ and I know a ten-year-old me would have liked it even more."

"Kurt Perry gives a side-splitting performance as the ever-awkward Bart, the Queen’s much-underappreciated sidekick."

-Sander Gusinow for Theatre Reviews Limited

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Just Announced: Kurt Perry Joins WhatFun Theatre's Production of Rapunzel in The Wild West at FringeNYC

Kurt Perry

The cast includes: 

Rapunzel: Ashley Mills

The Bandit Queen: Jacqueline Wheeler

Bart: Kurt Perry

Sally: Ariane Ryan

Willy: Bobby Becher

Widow Wilson: Elise Holman

Sheriff: Tommy Walker 


Rapunzel in the Wild West will make its U.S. debut at FringeNYC's venue #7- The 14th St. Y Theatre and will run the following dates and times:

Saturday, August 15 at 1:45pm

Wednesday, August 18 at 4:45pm

Saturday, August 22 at 12:00pm

Wednesday, August 26 at 2:00pm

Friday, August 28 at 7:00pm


Tickets go on sale July 17th!